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  • 5322A Electrical Safety Tester Calibrator

5322A Electrical Safety Tester Calibrator

Specifications: 5322A Electrical Safety Tester Calibrator

Complete 5322A specifications

General specifications
Specifications confidence levell99 %
Specifications interval1 year
Power line115/230 V ac (50/60 Hz) +10 % / -14 %, with the maximum voltage difference between neutral and protective earth not exceeding 15 V. Operation with power line between -10 % and -14 % has limitations in burden current for voltage outputs. See AC/DC Voltage Calibrator (VLC option) below.
Power consumption1250 VA maximum
Fuse protectionAC mains input: 2 A, 250 V for 230 V, time delay (T2L250 V – 5 mm x 20 mm) 4 A, 250 V for 115 V, time delay (T4L250 V – 5 mm x 20 mm)
RCD input: 3.15 A, 250 V, fast (F3.15H250 V – 5 mm x 20 mm)
Meter amps (A) input: 20 A, 500 V, time delay (F20H500 V – 6.3 mm x 32 mm)
Loop/Line impedance input: 4 A, 500 V, time delay (T4H500 V – 6.3 mm x 32 mm)
Leakage current input: 100 mA, 250 V, fast (F100 mL250 V – 5 mm x 20 mm)
Warm-up time15 minutes
Temperature performanceOperating temperature: 18 °C to 28 °C
Calibration temperature (tcal): 23 °C
Temperature coefficient for temperatures outside of tcal ± 5 °C is 0.1 / °C of the specification, for temperatures between 5 °C to 40 °C.
Storage temperature : -10 °C to 50 °C
Storage recovery time: Typically <24 hours at operating temperature
Relative humidity (operating)<80 % to 28 °C (resistance outputs >10 GΩ specified for <70 % to 28 °C)
Relative humidity (storage)90 % non-condensing 0 °C to 50 °C
AltitudeOperating: 2000 m (6561 ft)
Storage: 12 200 m (40 000 ft)
Dimensions and weight
Dimensions430 mm x 555 mm x 170 mm (16.9 in x 21.8 in x 6.7 in)
Weight20 kg (44.1 lb)
SafetyMains: IEC 61010-1: Overvoltage category II, pollution degree 2
Measurement: IEC 61010-2-030: 5000 V (not category rated)
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)


  • IEC 61326-1: Basic electromagnetic environment
  • CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A
    • Group 1: Equipment has intentionally generated and/or uses conductively-coupled radio frequency energy that is necessary for the internal function of the equipment itself.
    • Class A: Equipment is suitable for use in all establishments other than domestic and those directly connected to a low-voltage power supply network that supplies buildings used for domestic purposes. There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in other environments due to conducted and radiated disturbances.

      Emissions that exceed the levels required by CISPR 11 can occur when the equipment is connected to a test object.

Korea (KCC):

  • Class A: Equipment meets requirements for industrial electromagnetic wave equipment and the seller or user should take notice of it. This equipment is intended for use in business environments and not to be used in homes.


  • 47 CFR 15 subpart B. This product is considered an exempt device per clause 15.103.
Electrical specifications
Low resistance source
Range100 mΩ to 10 kΩ + 10 mΩ single value selection, dc and line frequency (50/60 Hz)
1.5 kV high resistance source (DC only)
Range10 kΩ to 10 GΩ + 100 GΩ single value selection
5.5 kV high resistance source (DC only) (5322A with /5 option)
Range10 kΩ to 100 GΩ
Test voltage measurement
Range0 V dc to 5500 V dc
Ground bond resistance source
Resistance mode
Range1 mΩ to 1700 Ω, dc and line frequency (50/60 Hz)
Line/loop impedance source
Range25 mΩ to 1700 Ω
Correction manual/scan mode
Residual impedance range0 Ω to 10 Ω
Resolution1 mΩ
Correction COMP mode (active loop compensation) (5322AVLC Option)
Maximum compensated impedance0 Ω to 2 Ω
Leakage current source
Range0.1 to 30 mA
Test voltagePassive mode: 60 V ac to 250 V ac rms
Differential mode: 60 V ac to 250 V ac rms
Substitute mode:10 V ac to 250 V ac rms
Active mode (5322A/VLC only)[1]: 50 V ac to 100 V ac rms
UncertaintyPassive mode: ± (0.3% setting + 2 μA)
Differential mode: ± (0.3% setting + 2 μA)
Test uncertainty can be influenced by power line voltage instability
Substitute mode: ± (0.3% setting + 2 μA)
Active mode (5322A/VLC only)[1]: ± (0.3% setting + 1 μA)
[1] The Active Mode outputs are synchronized with the ac mains frequency to suppress interference between the calibrator and external noise sources.
Human body simulation (for substitute leakage currently onlyResistance range: 0 Ω to 10 000 Ω
Resolution: 1 Ω
RCD (residual current device) (for installation testers)
Trip current range0.5 X I and 1 X I Mode: 5 to 30 mA in 1 mA steps
1.4 X I and 2 X I Mode: 14 to 60 mA in 1 mA steps
5 X I Mode: 50 to 150 mA in 1 mA steps
Trip current measurement resolution1 μA below 30 mA
10 μA in range from 30 mA to 150 mA
100 μA in range from 300 mA to 3 A
Trip current measurement uncertainty
Trip current± 1 % of nominal current (I) setting
Trip time range10 to 5000 ms
Trip time uncertainty(0.02 % setting + 0.25 ms)
Touch/line voltageTouch voltage range: 50 V
Touch voltage setting: in discrete points depending on setup trip current value
Touch series resistance: 0.02 Ω, 0.05 Ω, 0.10 Ω, 0.35 Ω, 0.50 Ω, 0.96 Ω, 1.7 Ω, 4.7 Ω, 9 Ω, 17 Ω, 47 Ω, 90 Ω, 170 Ω, 470 Ω, 900 Ω, 1700 Ω
Line voltage range: 250 V
Line voltage uncertainty: ± (5 % reading + 3 V)
User selectable nominal line voltage: 100 V/115 V/120 V/220 V/230 V/240 V/250 V or real
Post-trip delayed power restore mode: user selectable
RCD (Residual current device (for PATs)
Trip current range0.5 X I to 5 X I Mode: 5 to 150 mA in 1 mA steps
Trip current measurement resolution1 μA
Trip current measurement uncertaintyTrip current: ± 1 % of nominal current (I) setting
Trip time range10 to 5000 ms
Trip time uncertainty(0.02 % setting + 0.25 ms)
Line voltageReconnection delay: 2.5 s
AC/DC voltage calibrator (5322A with VLC Option)
Range0.03 V to 600 V, ac or dc (.5 - 1%)
Internal rangesAC mode: 0.3 V to 600 V
DC mode: 0.3 V to 600 V
Maximum withstand voltageHV terminal to COM terminal: 5000 V rms
V terminal to COM terminal:  1100 V rms
COM terminal to Protective Earth: 2200 V pk
AC/DC voltage rangeV (1100 V) Input:  0 V dc to ±1100 V dc 10 mV to 1100 V ac rms
HV (5000 V) Input: 0 Vdc to ±5000 Vdc 5 V to 5000 V ac rms
AC/DC current
Range0 A to 20 A continuous, 20 A to 30 A for up to 5 minutes, ac rms or dc
AC power
Range0 kVA ac to 33 kVA ac
TypeApparent, active, reactive
Phase indicationPhase angle (φ), Power Factor (PF)
Phase uncertainty (dφ)± 0.1 °
DC power
Range0 to 33 kVA dc
Hipot ac voltage distortion measurement
Frequency range45 Hz to 65 Hz
Number of harmonics25
Hipot dc voltage ripple coefficient measurement
Voltage range100 V dc to 5000 V dc
Ripple coefficient range10 %
Flash test voltage measurement (using flash LC or flash V mode)
Class I Voltage range2000 V ac rms
Uncertainty± (0.3 % of reading + 6 V)
Class II Voltage range3000 V ac rms
Uncertainty± (1 % of reading value + 6 V)
Flash leakage current measurement (using flash LC mode)
Range0 mA ac rms or dc to 300 mA ac rms or dc
Resolution4.5 digits

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5322A Electrical Safety Tester Calibrator

  • Product Code:5322A Electrical Safety Tester Calibrator
  • Availability:In Stock


K & P Intertrade Co., Ltd. - Certify

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