Specifications: 732C and 734C DC Voltage Reference Standards
General Specifications
Table 1. Mains
Line voltage is accepted as shown in Table 1. AC line current at 120V ac is typically 0.13A.
732C Line Voltage Setting
Line Voltage Accepted
Frequency Accepted
100 V
90 V to 110 V
50 Hz/60 Hz
120 V
108 V to 132 V
50 Hz/60 Hz
220 V
198 V to 242 V
50 Hz/60 Hz
240 V
216 V to 264 V
50 Hz/60 Hz
Battery Operation
At full charge, the internal battery operates the Product for a minimum of 72hours at 23±5 °C, with 0 mA to 0.1 mA total current drain at the outputs.
Charging Time
<36 hours with self-contained automatic battery charger
External DC Input
Rear-panel input for external 12 V dc to 15 V dc powers the Product indefinitely. The dc source must be rated ≥300 mA.
Resistance from any of the Product binding posts to earth (chassis) ground or to ac line power is >10 000 MΩ shunted by <1000 pF.
Guard and Ground Terminals
Chassis ground connections are provided on both the front and rear panels. Access to the internal guard is provided by a front-panel binding post.
Output Protection
All outputs can be shorted indefinitely without damage to the Product. The 10 V output can withstand voltages from other sources as follows:
For voltages ≤220 V dc, the Product is protected for a maximum of 50 mA continuous current.
For voltage ≤1100 V dc, the Product is protected for a maximum of 25 mA continuous current or up to 0.6 joules for short periods of time.
Specified Operation
Temperature Range: 15 °C to 35 °C
Relative Humidity: 0% to 90% to 28 °C, to 80% to 35 °C, and to 50% to 50 °C, Noncondensing
Altitude: 0 m to 1830 m (0 ft to 6000 ft)
Non-specified Operation
Temperature Range: 0 °C to 50 °C
Relative Humidity: 0% to 90% Noncondensing
Altitude: 0 m to 3050 m (0ft to 10 000ft)
Storage (Battery Removed)
Temperature Range: -40 °C to 50 °C
Relative Humidity: Noncondensing
Altitude: 0m to 12 200 m (0 ft to 40 000 ft)
Electromagnetic Compatibility
(EMC) The Product operates in Standards Laboratory environments where the radio frequency (RF) environment is highly controlled.
IEC 61326-2-1; CISPR 11: Group 1, Class A
Controlled Electromagnetic Environment
Group 1 equipment has intentionally generated and/or use conductively coupled radio-frequency energy which is necessary for the internal functioning of the equipment itself.
Class A equipment is equipment suitable for use in all establishments other than domestic and those directly connected to a low voltage power supply network which supplies buildings used for domestic purposes.
Emissions which exceed the levels required by CISPR 11 can occur when the equipment is connected to a test object. The equipment may not meet the immunity requirements of 61326-1 when test leads and/or test probes are connected.
47 CFR 15 subpart B, this product is considered an exempt device per clause 15.103
Korea (KCC)
Class A Equipment (Industrial Broadcasting & Communication Equipment)
This product meets requirements for industrial (Class A) electromagnetic wave equipment and the seller or user should take notice of it. This equipment is intended for use in business environments and not to be used in homes.
IEC 61010-1, Installation Category II, Pollution degree 2
Ingress Protection
IEC 60529: IP20
Mechanical Specifications
734C Dimensions
732C and 732C-7001 Dimensions
17.8 cm (7.0 in)
13.4 cm (5.28 in)
43.2 cm (17.0 in)
9.8 cm (3.85 in)
50.3 cm (19.8 in) including handles
40.6 cm (16.0 in)
30.4 kg (67 lb)
5.91 kg (13 lb)
Performance Specifications
Output Voltages
10 V, 1 V, and 0.1 V are provided at separate binding posts referenced to the VCOM binding post.
Stability for the 732C outputs at Tcal ±1 °C and IN CAL indicator on is specified in Table 2. Table 2.
Table 2. Standard Stability
Output Voltage
Stability (± µV/V)
30 Days
90 Days
1 Year
10 V
1 V
0.1 V
Table 3. Select Stability
Output Voltage
Stability (± µV/V)
30 Days
90 Days
1 Year
10 V
1 V
0.1 V
Noise at the Output Terminals
Output noise is specified for both day-to-day observations and for short-term observations, at k=1.
Table 4. Noise at the Output Terminals
Output Voltage
S1 (±µV/V) [1]
Sra (±µV/V) [2]
Noise (0.01 Hz to 10 Hz) (±µV/V rms)
1 V
[1] S1 is the standard deviation about the regression (SDEV) of 90 days of at least twice daily stability test data. [2] Sra is the SDEV of the stability test data with a 7-day moving average filter (MAF).
To obtain the best performance, use the Product in controlled environments with good system grounding and shielding practices. For radiated EMI fields from 0.25 to 1 V/m from 80 to 130 MHz, add 9 µV to the 1 V output, and 3.6 µV to the 0.1 V output. For ac mains conducted EMI of 1 Vrms from 75 to 80 MHz, add 1 µV to the 1 V output, and 0.7 µV to the 0.1 V output. The 10 V output is mostly unaffected by EMI fields up to 1 V/m or by conducted EMI up to 1 Vrms.
Table 5. Output Current and Impedance
Output Voltage
Output Current Limit
Output Impedance
12mA [1]
1.2mA [1]
[1] Limit total output current to £0.1mA to realize specified battery operation
Table 6. Retrace (Hysteresis) Error
Table 6 shows the change in 10V output voltage following a power outage (with the battery turned off) and temperature held constant in a 23 °C to 35 °C range
Period that Power is Turned Off
Change in 10 V Output Value (±µV/V)
10min to 24hr
24hr to 14days
Stabilization Time Requirements
Warmup times required after ac line and battery power have been turned off. The IN CAL indicator will be off, and recalibration will be necessary. The previously-specified retrace error specification can be used in the case of power interruptions.
With no power interruption
No stabilization time is required after the Product is moved to another environment.
Power off for <1 hr
1-hr warmup required
Power off for >1 hr
24-hr warmup required
Table 7. Temperature Coefficient (TC) of Output
From 15 °C to 35 °C, the temperature coefficient is bound by the information in Table 7.
Output Voltage
Temperature Coefficient (±µV per V/°C)
10 V
1 V
0.1 V
Table 8. Output with Altitude
For an altitude change from calibration altitude, the output voltage change is bound by the information in Table 8.
Output Voltage
Output Change (±µV/V per 1000ft)
10 V
1 V
0.1 V
Load Regulation
10V Output Load Change
Maximum 10V Output Change (±µV/V)
0 mA to 12 mA (no load to full load)
0 mA to 2 mA
Line Regulation
The outputs will change no more than 0.05 µV/V for any 10% line voltage change or for the entire operating range of the battery
732C and 734C DC Voltage Reference Standards
Product Code:732C and 734C DC Voltage Reference Standards