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  • Fluke 120B Series Industrial ScopeMeter handheld Oscilloscopes

Fluke 120B Series Industrial ScopeMeter handheld Oscilloscopes

Specifications: Fluke 120B Series Industrial ScopeMeter handheld Oscilloscopes

Oscilloscope mode
Frequency response - dc coupledWithout probes and test leads (with BB120)123B: dc to 20 MHz (-3 dB)
124B and 125B: dc to 40 MHz (-3 dB)
With STL120-IV 1:1 shielded test leadsDC to 12.5 MHz (-3 dB) / dc to 20 MHz (-6 dB)
With VP41 10:1 Probe123B: dc to 20MHz (-3 dB)
124B and 125B: dc to 40 MHz (-3 dB)
Frequency response - ac coupled (lf roll off)Without probes and test leads<10 Hz (-3 dB)
With STL120-IV 1:1 shielded test leads<10 Hz (-3 dB)
With VP41 10:1 Probe<10 Hz (-3 dB)
Rise time, excluding probes, 
test leads
123B <17.5 ns
124B and 125B <8.75 ns
Input impedanceWithout probes and test leads1 MΩ//20 pF
With BB1201 MΩ//24 pF
With STL120-IV 1:1 shielded test leads1 MΩ//230 pF
With VP41 10:1 Probe5 MΩ//15.5 pF
Sensitivity5 mV to 200 V/div
Analog bandwidth limiter10 kHz
Display modesA, -A, B, -B
Max. input voltage A and BDirect, with test leads, or with VP41 Probe600 Vrms Cat IV, 750 Vrms maximum voltage.
With BB120600 Vrms
Max. floating voltage, from any terminal to ground600 Vrms Cat IV, 750 Vrms up to 400Hz
Scope modesNormal, Single, Roll
Ranges (normal)Equivalent sampling123B: 20 ns to 500 ns/div,
124B and 125B: 10 ns to 500 ns/div
Real time sampling1 μs to 5 s/div
Single (real time)1 μs to 5 s/div
Roll (real time)1s to 60 s/div
Sampling rate (for both channels simultaneously)Equivalent sampling (repetitive signals)Up to 4 GS/s
Real time sampling 1 μs to 60 s/div40 MS/s
Screen updateFree run, on trigger
SourceA, B
Sensitivity A and B@ DC to 5 MHz0.5 divisions or 5 mV
@ 40 MHz123B: 4 divisions
124B and 125B: 1.5 divisions
@ 60 MHz123B: N/A
124B and 125B: 4 divisions
SlopePositive, negative
Advanced scope functions
Display modesNormalCaptures up to 25 ns glitches and displays analog-like persistence waveform
SmoothSuppresses noise from a waveform
Glitch offDoes not capture glitches between samples
EnvelopeRecords and displays the minimum and maximum of waveforms over time
Auto set (Connect-and-View™)Continuous fully automatic adjustments of amplitude, time base, trigger levels, trigger gap, and hold-off. Manual override by user adjustment of amplitude, time base, or trigger level.
Dual input meter
The accuracy of all measurements is within ±(% of reading + number of counts) from 18 °C to 28 °C.
Add 0.1x (specific accuracy) for each °C below 18 °C or above 28 °C. For voltage measurements with 10:1 probe, add probe  uncertainty +1%. More than one waveform period must be visible on the screen.
Input A and input B
DC voltage (VDC)
Ranges500 mV, 5 V, 50 V, 500 V, 750 V
Accuracy±(0.5% +5 counts)
Common mode rejection (CMRR)>100 dB @ dc, >60 dB @ 50, 60, or 400 Hz
Full scale reading5000 counts
True-rms voltages (V ac and V ac+dc)
Ranges500 mV, 5 V, 50 V, 500 V, 750 V
Accuracy for 5% to 100% of range (DC coupled)DC to 60 Hz (V ac+dc)±(1% +10 counts)
1 Hz to 60 Hz (V ac)±(1% +10 counts)
Accuracy for 5% to 100% of range (AC or dc coupled)60 Hz to 20 kHz±(2.5% +15 counts)
DC rejection (only VAC)>50 dB
Common mode rejection (CMRR)>100 dB @ dc
>60 dB @ 50, 60, or 400 Hz
Full scale reading5000 counts, reading is independent of any signal crest factor.
ModesMax peak, Min peak, or pk-to-pk
Ranges500 mV, 5 V, 50 V, 500 V, 2200 V
AccuracyAccuracy Max peak or Min peak5% of full scale
Accuracy Peak-to-Peak10% of full scale
Full scale reading500 counts
Frequency (Hz)
Ranges123B: 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz,1 MHz, 10 MHz, and 50 MHz
124B and 125B: 1 Hz, 10 Hz, 100 Hz, 1 kHz, 10 kHz, 100 kHz, 1 MHz, 10 MHz, and 70 MHz
Frequency range15 Hz (1 Hz) to 50 MHz in continuous autoset
Accuracy @1 Hz to 1 MHz±(0.5% +2 counts)
Full scale reading10,000 counts
Max reading50.00 kRPM
Accuracy±(0.5% +2 counts)
Duty cycle (PULSE)
Range2% to 98%
Frequency range15 Hz (1 Hz) to 30 MHz in continuous autoset
Pulse width (PULSE)
Frequency range15 Hz (1 Hz) to 30 MHz in continuous autoset
Full scale reading1000 counts
Amperes (AMP)
With current clampRangesSame as V dc, V ac, V ac+dc, or PEAK
Scale factors0.1 mV/A, 1 mV/A, 10 mV/A, 100 mV/A, 400 mV/A, 1 V/A, 10 mV/mA
AccuracySame as V dc, V ac, V ac+dc, or PEAK (add current clamp uncertainty)
Temperature (TEMP) with optional temperature probe
Range200 °C/div (200 °F/div)
Scale factor1 mV/°C and 1 mV/°F
AccuracyAs V dc (add temp. probe uncertainty)
Decibel (dB)
0 dBV1 V
0 dBm (600 Ω /50 Ω)1 mW referenced to 600 Ω or 50 Ω
dB onV dc, V ac, or Vac+dc
Full scale reading1000 counts
Crest factor (CREST)
Range1 to 10
Full scale reading90 Counts
ModesA to B, B to A
Range0 to 359 degrees
Resolution1 degree
Power (125B only)
Configurations1 phase / 3 phase 3 conductor balanced loads (3 phase: fundamental component only, AUTOSET mode only)
Power factor (PF)Ratio between watts and VA range - 0.00 to 1.00
WattRMS reading of multiplying corresponding samples of input A (volts) and input B (amperes)
Full scale reading999 counts
VAVrms x Arms
Full scale reading999 counts
VA reactive (var)√((VA)2-W2)
Full scale reading999 counts
PurposeTo measure on pulse width modulated signals, like motor drive inverter outputs
PrincipleReadings show the effective voltage based on the average value of samples over a whole number of periods of the fundamental frequency
AccuracyAs Vrms for sinewave signals
Input A to common
Ohm (Ω)
Ranges123B and 124B500 Ω , 5 kΩ, 50 kΩ, 500 kΩ, 5 MΩ, 30 MΩ
125B50 Ω, 500 Ω , 5 kΩ, 50 kΩ, 500 kΩ, 5 MΩ, 30 MΩ
Accuracy±(0.6% + 5 counts) 50 Ω ±(2% + 20 counts)
Full scale reading50 Ω to 5 MΩ - 5000 counts, 30 MΩ - 3000 counts
Measurement current0.5 mA to 50 nA, decreases with increasing ranges
Open circuit voltage<4 V
Continuity (Cont)
Beep<(30 Ω ±5 Ω) in 50 Ω range
Measurement current0.5 mA
Detection of shorts of≥1 ms
Measurement voltage@0.5 mA>2.8 V
@open circuit<4 V
Measurement current0.5 mA
Polarity+ on input A, - on COM
Capacitance (CAP)
Ranges50 nF, 500 nF, 5 μF, 50 μF, 500 μF
Full scale reading5000 counts
Measurement current500 nA to 0.5 mA, increases with increasing ranges
Advanced meter functions
Zero SetSet actual value to reference
AutoHold (on A)Captures and freezes a stable measurement result. Beeps when stable. AutoHold works on the main meter reading, with thresholds of 1 Vpp for AC signals and 100 mV for DC signals.
Fixed decimal pointActivated by using attenuation keys

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Fluke 120B Series Industrial ScopeMeter handheld Oscilloscopes

  • Product Code:Fluke 120B Series Industrial ScopeMeter handheld Oscilloscopes
  • Availability:In Stock


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Cursor Readout (124B and 125B)
SourcesA, B
Single vertical lineAverage, min and max readout

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