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  • Fluke 190 Series III ScopeMeter® Test Tools

Fluke 190 Series III ScopeMeter® Test Tools

Specifications: Fluke 190 Series III ScopeMeter® Test Tools

Oscilloscope Models
Vertical deflection
Number of channels2222444
Bandwidth60 MHz100 MHz200 MHz500 MHz100 MHz200 MHz500 MHz
Rise time5.8 ns3.5 ns1.7 ns0.7 ns3.5 ns1.7 ns0.7 ns
Number of scope inputs2 input channels plus external trigger4 input channels
Channel architectureAll inputs fully insulated from each other and from ground. Inputs may be activated in any combination.
Input couplingAC or DC, with ground level indicator
Input sensitivityWith 10:1  probe, 20 mV  to 1000 V/div
With 100:1  probe, 200 mV to 10 kV/div
Direct (1:1),  2 mV  to 100 V/div
Bandwidth limiter20 MHz and 10  kHz
PolarityNormal,  Inverted, Variable
Input voltageCAT III 1000 V/CAT IV 600 V rated, see General specifications for further details
Vertical resolution8 bit
Accuracy at 4 s to 10 μs/div5 mV/div to 100 V/div, ±(1.5 % + 6 counts)
2 mV/div, ±(1.5  % + 10 counts)
Input impedance1 MΩ (± 1 %) //  15  pF (± 2.25  pF)
Maximum real- time sample rate (sampled simultaneously)625 MS/s
(each channel)
1.25 GS/s (each channel)2.5 GS/s (each channel)5 GS/s (single channel) or
2.5 GS/s (dual channel)
1.25 GS/s (each channel)2.5 GS/s (2ch)
1.25 GS/s (4ch)
5 GS/s (single ch) or 2.5 GS/s (2ch) or 1.25 GS/s (4ch)
Record lengthUp to 10,000 samples per  channel
Time base range10 ns/div
to 4 s/div
5 ns/div
to 4 s/div
2 ns/div
to 4 s/div
1 ns/div
to 4 s/div
5 ns/div
to 4 s/div
2 ns/div
to 4 s/div
1 ns/div
to 4 s/div
Time base in a 1-2-4-sequence
Slower time/division settings using ScopeRecord™ Roll mode (see ‘Recorder mode’)
Maximum record length10,000 samples per channel in scope mode
30,000 points per channel in ScopeRecord™ Roll mode (see ‘Recorder mode’)
Timing accuracy± (0.01 % of reading + 1  pixel)
Glitch capture8 ns (10  µs/div to 2 min/div)
Display and acquisition
Display133 mm x 90 mm (5.3 in x 3.5 in) full-color high brightness LCD
Display modesAny combination of channels; average on/off; replay.
Visible screen width12  divisions horizontally in scope mode
Digital persistence modesOff, short, medium, long, infinite and envelope mode
Waveform mathematicsOne (190-xx2) or two (190-x04) mathematical operations on 2 input channels (A and B, C and D): add, subtract, multiply; X-Y-mode; Frequency Spectrum using FFT
Acquisition modesNormal, Averaged, Auto, Single Shot, ScopeRecord™ roll, glitch capture, waveform compare with automatic “Pass/Fail testing”; Replay
Trigger and delay
SourceInput A, B or External (via meter input)Input A, B, C or  D
ModesAutomatic, Edge, Pulse Width, N-Cycle, External (190-xx2)
Connect-and- View™Advanced automatic triggering that recognizes signal patterns, automatically sets up and continuously adjusts  triggering, time base and amplitude. Automatically displays stable waveforms of complex and dynamic signals like motor drive and control signals. Can be switched off if preferred.
Pulse width triggering (on channel A)Pulse width qualified by time
Allows for triggeringt, =t, ≠ t, where t is selectable in minimum steps of 0.01 div or 50 ns
Time delay1 full screen of pre-trigger view or up to 100 screens (=1,200 divisions) of post-trigger delay
Dual slope triggeringTriggers on both rising and falling edges alike
N-cycle triggeringTriggers on N-th occurrence of a trigger event; N to be set in the range 2 to 99
Automatic capture of 100 screens
When in oscilloscope mode, the instrument ALWAYS memorizes the last 100 screens—no specific user setup required. When an anomaly is seen, the REPLAY button can be pressed to review the full sequence of screen events over and over. Instrument can be set up for triggering on glitches or intermittent anomalies and will operate in “baby-sit” mode capturing 100 specified events.
ReplayManual or continuous replay. Displays the captured 100 screens as a “live” animation, or under manual control. Each screen has date and time-stamp.
Replay storageTen sets of 100 screens each can be saved internally for later recall and analysis. Direct storage of additional sets on external flash memory drive through USB host port.
FFT—frequency spectrum analysis
Shows frequency content of oscilloscope waveform using Fast Fourier Transform
WindowAutomatic, Hamming, Hanning or None
Automatic windowDigitally re-samples acquired waveform to get optimum frequency resolution in FFT resultant.
Vertical scaleLinear/Logarithmic (in volts or amps)
Frequency axisFrequency range automatically set as a function of timebase range of oscilloscope
Waveform compare and pass/fail testing
Waveform compareProvides storage and display of a reference waveform for visual comparison with newly acquired waveforms. Reference is derived from an acquired waveform and can be modified in the oscilloscope.
Pass/Fail testingIn waveform compare mode, the oscilloscope can be set up to store only matching (“Pass”) or only non-matching (“Fail”) acquired waveforms in the replay memory bank for further analysis.
Automatic scope measurements
V dc, V ac rms, V ac+dc, Vpeak max, Vpeak min, Vpeak to peak, A ac, A dc, A ac+dc, frequency (in Hz), rise time (using cursors), fall time (using cursors), Power Factor (PF), Watts, VA, VA  reactive, phase (between 2 inputs A&B or C&D), pulse width (pos./neg.), duty cycle (pos./ neg.), temperature °C, temperature °F (not for Japan), dBV, dBm into 50 Ω and 600 Ω, VPWM ac and VPWM(ac+dc) for measurement on pulse width modulated motor drives and frequency inverters, V/Hz ratio;
Advanced power and motor drive functionsV/Hz ratio, Power Factor (PF), Watts, VA, VA reactive, V-PWM (ac) and V-PWM (ac+dc) for measure- ment on pulsewidth modulated motordrives and frequency inverters
Cursor measurements
SourceOn any input waveform or on mathematical resultant waveform (excl. X-Y-mode)
Dual horizontal linesVoltage at cursor 1 and at cursor 2, voltage between cursors
Dual vertical linesTime between cursors, 1/T between cursors (in Hz), voltage between markers, risetime with markers, falltime with markers; Vrms between cursors, Watts between cursors.
Single vertical lineMin-Max and Average voltage at cursor position; frequency and rms-value of individual frequency component in the FFT Resultant
Advanced functionsmA*s (current-over-time, between cursors); V*s (voltage-over-time, between cursors); W*s (energy, between cursors)
ZOOMRanges from full record overview to zoom in up to sample level, at any record length.
Meter modes
Meter inputsVia 4 mm banana inputs, fully isolated from scope inputs and scope groundVia BNC scope inputs
Number of readingsOne at a time via DMM inputUp to 4 automatic scope measurements simultaneously
Maximum resolution5,000 counts± 999 counts
(frequency: 9999 counts)
Input impedance1 MΩ (± 1 %) // 14 pF (± 1.5 pF)1 MΩ (± 1 %) // 15 pF (± 2.25 pF)
Advanced meter functionsAuto/manual ranging, relative measurements (Zero reference), TrendPlot™ recording
 The specified accuracy is valid over the temperature range 18 °C to 28 °C Add 10 % of specified accuracy for each degree C below 18 °C or above 28 °C
V dc accuracy± (0.5 % + 6 counts)± (1.5 % + 6 counts)
V ac true rms accuracy
15 Hz to 60 Hz± (1 % + 10 counts)± (1.5 % + 10 counts)
60 Hz to 1 kHz± (2.5 % + 15 counts)
60 Hz to 20 kHz± (2.5 % + 15 counts)
V ac+dc true rms accuracy
15 Hz to 60 Hz± (1 % + 10 counts)± (1.5 % + 10 counts)
60 Hz to 1 kHz± (2.5% + 15 counts)
60 Hz to 20 kHz± (2.5 % + 15 counts)
Voltmeter ranges500 mV, 5 V, 50 V, 500 V, 1,100 V 
Ranges500 Ω, 5 kΩ, 50 kΩ, 500 kΩ, 5 MΩ, 30 MΩ
Accuracy± (0.6 % + 6 counts)
Other meter functions
ContinuityBeeper on < 50 Ω (± 30 Ω)
Diode testUp to 2.8 V
Current (A)A dc, A ac, A ac+dc using an optional current clamp or shunt Scaling factors: 0.1 mV/A, 1 mV/A to 100 V/A and 400 mV/A
TemperatureWith optional accessories. Scale factors 1mV/°C or 1mV/°F

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Fluke 190 Series III ScopeMeter® Test Tools

  • Product Code:Fluke 190 Series III ScopeMeter® Test Tools
  • Availability:In Stock


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